Thursday, July 19, 2007


I called in sick today.

I honestly could not fathom seeing my boss today. Just to break it down....we have a new Director to report to. This position has not been filled since I started about a year ago, so we previously reported to the department VP. But as of last week we have this new director. I'm not feeling her! I'm not used to being micromanaged. Also, she came in my office the other day, hovered behind me while I sat at my desk, and talked....with the foulest breath! And it was only 9am. What do you eat that early that your breath is kicking at 9am? And it wasn't a little coffee was full out dragon breath; like a little coffee, mixed with coke, fire, onion burrito, and chit (replace the 'c' with a 's'). I was so offended y'all! And she dresses like she's going to take the dog out at 2am so it can potty. We're not a highly fashion orientated office (with the exception of a few included), but dayum....don't come in looking like you don't own a mirror.

Anyway, I found this quote today that I wanted to share with my fellow entry-level fashionistas.

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

Walt Disney

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