Currently, I am seeking a new job. Well, even before I was MIA I wanted a new job, but now my search is active. Problem is: I don't know what the Hell I want to do. Lately, I have been looking into event planning/ public relations type gigs, but I'm not even sure if that's something I am interested simply seems glamourous to me. Ironically, what pushed me into making my job search active was a conference I attended for my current job! Last month, I went to Little Rock for a conference for admissions counselors and everyone there seemed so passionate about their jobs and their calling...well, everyone except me! Coming back from that conference has made my job that more annoying and frustrating because I feel nothing for this line of work. Life should be lived passionately and I deserve that!
But anyway, I'm not here to cry a river about my lack of options, let me share with you all the things I have been interested in lately.
Rachel Bilson
I never watched the O.C. (ok, I've seen a few episodes, but only because my sister made me), so I've never known that Rachel Bilson is practically a style genius! Ummmmm, when did she become so fly?!

It's going to take me awhile to get to her style level, but I think I'm going to start with this chic cropped leather jacket.
Next up is hair! I have been trying to find a easy, breezy, colorful summer hair look and for some reason Rihanna's hair is on my mind (not the super cute pixie)!
Hmmmmmm, I think that would be super cute on me!
Another thing I am obsessing over is my weight!
I've been wanting to finally lose weight and get into a healthy weight range for awhile now; and as motivation I planned a cruise with a friend. So, I am so proud to say that I have lost 19 pounds! I fell short of my goal of being bikini fabulous (well, I could wear a bikini, but I don't want to scare any of the other beachgoers!), but I will be leaving on Thursday for my cruise feeling a little more fabulous! Now, my next task is finding great cruise-wear.....I guess I will save that for next time!
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