Friday, November 21, 2008

oversees sexy

i found this sexy sexy japanese singer/ actor type and had to share his beauty!

takuya kimura

he even did an ad with beyonce for samantha thavasa handbags!

stay fab!


Kourt said... the last picture he reminds me of Ruby Youngblood from Apocalypto...another one to check out is Takeshi Kaneshiro, he was in "House of Flying Daggers"...he is the reason I watch the the way, I love the blog about should bring it up that some people stopped by her table at a meeting or when everyone is in the main office

Always Fabulous said...

Thanx KJ...I have actually tried bringing up a previous incident with her and she played it off. We have all talked about it, but we think that SF would not do anything about's a sticky situation...she hasn't become any less annoying :(