i'm not much of a dreamer.
but lately i've been having really vividly awesome dreams.
last night i dreamt i was casting the devil out of someone....i guess like an exorcism.
the other night i had a dream that i received a letter from this place i interviewed at a long time ago. in the dream, the letter stated that the company saw a lot of potential in me and they wanted to help me get off to a good start in my career. they also wanted me to work there and i had to start at the new position very very soon. such a mean dream.
what does all this mean?
in other news, i've ordered bangs...clip in bangs to be exact. i want a new look for fall and don't want to cut bangs (i get tired of them about 2.2 seconds after i get it cut), but shhhhh it's a secret!

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