yesterday i sped home from Montgomery to catch the day's episode of oprah. mckenzie phillips was the guest du jour disclosing ALL of her business: her incestous relationship with her pappi! ick. nast! she actually told ALL of the americas and ALL countries in several languages of the world that she willingly sexed her daddy for 10 years. while watching, the only thing I could think was why? not why she slept with her dad, i wouldn't dare delve into that hot mess. but why tell everyone? why set yourself as an easier target for judgement? why let a family secret out of the bag? why not just talk it up to a psychiarist? why do we (celebs esp.) feel the need to disclose our deepest and darkest secrets?

honestly, i can't relate. i'm a big secret keeper. i'm already a super private person so its easy for me not to reveal aspects of my life, even the mundane aspects.
so what makes celebs, or even us average people, confess to secrets that could have remained a secret otherwise?
i suppose the sense of relief is the reason. forgiveness....self forgiveness, can also be a factor. but what do these confessions of past transgessions do for the person, or people, you actually tell it to besides create truly awkward future encounters?
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