Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the bucket list

i haven't seen the movie "the bucket list" but just by looking at the previews and trailer i can assume that it's about men who are dying writing a list of things they want to accomplish or do before they die. for some reason i've been thinking a lot about that list lately (my summer has been filled with death and near death experiences). so i've complied a list (not in any particular order) of some of the things i want to accomplish before i kick the bucket.

1. learn to swim

i have taken numerous lessons, most of my family, being caribbean can swim, but i have an intense fear of water. everytime i have tried to swim i almost always almost die....seriously.

2. complete a half marathon, triathlon, or any sort of race

i'm actually going to sign up for a 5k breast cancer race in october so it's possible that i will complete some of this, but in order to compete in a triathon i need to accomplish #1 first.

3. own house before i get married or settled down

i want to be able to say that i owned a house before i got married....that's it!

4. publish a book

looooove to write! so even if this book isn't a top best seller, publishing it would make me soooo happy.

5. change the world

i know...kinda vague. i honestly don't know what i mean when i say it or how it will be done, but i pray everynight that i will have an impact on the world.

6. own a business

i would love to own a shoe store!

7. wear a 2 piece swim suit

although i've lost some weight, i'm still not feeling 100% confident to rock a 2 piece (btw, doesn't ali larter look great?)

8. live in a different country for awhile (i will settled for NYC or Seattle)

my first choice is london or the west indies.

what's your bucket list?

stay fab

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