the blond swedish pop/ r&b singer who arrived in the 90s with the two singles "show me love" and "do you know (what it takes)" ? unfortunately, robyn is not widely known here in the states, but in her home of Sweden she is a sensation!during the height of her success robyn was forced into hiatus due to the exhaustion of promoting her album. well after several attempts to come back into the limelight, robyn is back with her self titled album.

well, i've always been a fan of robyn....i can still locate the cd singles of "show me love" and "do you know (what it takes)," so i'm hoping her next musical efforts will show some growth and maturity, but the same insightful lyrics! in fact, in 2005 robyn created her own label called konichiwa records in order to set herself free artisically.
when searching for pictures of robyn the only images i found of her showed her with that scarf wrapped around her neck. this scarf trend is really taking over....i mean it's cute....but it's summer....dunno. here's some cute scarf wearers!

jessica alba, lindsey lohan, and kanye west (love him) are just a few celebs making this trend hot (pun intended).
even rachael ray wore a scarf and caught some flack for it as many critics claimed her scarf represented terrorism

stay fab
wikipedia.com; celebrityfashion.contentquake.com
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