i have lost my swag.
well, i'm not even sure i had swag, but whatever i had is gone!
i use to be so cute, so together, polished...but now i'm not. what happened?
i need to get it together...ASAP!
stay fab!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
so queens university of charlotte is the only school i have heard from so far, but that's okay because i am so willing to attend.

so i wanted to clarify this whole grad school thing. it's not a traditional grad school program. it's a low residency program which means i would stay home and study, but 2 times a semester i would travel to the campus for workshops, etc. for me this set up has its pros and cons so i just hope it works out for me. i do know someone who works there (i met her at an admissions conference).the first residency is the end of may and i'm planning on going. my intention was not to pursue a low residency program, but once i learned about queens i decided to go for it...i figure that low res grad school is better than no grad school. also, i really hope i can turn this experience into a greater opportunity...you just never know.
i'm pretty excited despite the low residency program, but no one else seems that excited for me...i told my mom and she was like, "meh." i told some friends and their responses weren't as awesome as i was expecting. the old me would be slightly deterred by this...but i'm not, surprisingly. i really need to learn how to do me!
stay fab!

so i wanted to clarify this whole grad school thing. it's not a traditional grad school program. it's a low residency program which means i would stay home and study, but 2 times a semester i would travel to the campus for workshops, etc. for me this set up has its pros and cons so i just hope it works out for me. i do know someone who works there (i met her at an admissions conference).the first residency is the end of may and i'm planning on going. my intention was not to pursue a low residency program, but once i learned about queens i decided to go for it...i figure that low res grad school is better than no grad school. also, i really hope i can turn this experience into a greater opportunity...you just never know.
i'm pretty excited despite the low residency program, but no one else seems that excited for me...i told my mom and she was like, "meh." i told some friends and their responses weren't as awesome as i was expecting. the old me would be slightly deterred by this...but i'm not, surprisingly. i really need to learn how to do me!
stay fab!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
great news
Monday, March 16, 2009
i'm not sure if i mentioned this but i am not dating until november. i made the vow to myself last november; initially, not by choice, but now that i am 4 months deep into this predicament i have decided to take ownership of my single status. after numerous bad dating experiences last year i'm just outdone...this dating thing is not for me. so i figure i should take some time out of the game to get my weight up and get my head right!

so, because of this hiatus from dating i'm a little confused about some feelings i'm going through right now. some time last year i hooked up with this guy (side note: what the hell does hook up mean? i never really heard that word until laguna beach and even then i was always confused about whether hook up meant just making out or actually sexing. however, for future knowledge, when i use the word hook up i DO NOT mean sexing...i would just come out and say it). though i am a lady i am still a child of this generation (don't judge), so the fact that i met someone yet made out with him crazy on the same day is nothing out of the ordinary. but what is out of the ordinary is that i cannot stop thinking about him! he is really a great guy, has his head right, and is actually the type of man i would want to be with! YIKES! am i crazy? it's been 6 months and i still think about him on a daily basis....well, the fact that we are facebook friends aids in my inability to get rid of him in my head.but everytime i come across his profile, i think to myself, "he would be good for me....i would be good for him." is this just some one sided thing? could he be thinking of me? is this normal?

speaking about guys...i went on a date last october with this other guy and we were kinda talking but then he goes ghost. for example, in december, before the holidays, he disappeared. i texted him once and got no reply so i figured he was done with me. which was actually okay with me...i don't expect every guy to like me. but then he resurfaces in january with a text that states, "you just forgot me?" huh? he claims that he was trying to contact me and i never replied back; and i just don't believe that...i mean, my phone acts janky at times, but if you've been trying to get at me i would have received at least one of your messages. so after that he went ghost again! then yesterday he sends me another text message stating, "damn you forgot me." ugh!!!! i didn't reply back.
so that leaves me single BUT very happy! despite the images of the broken hearts i am far from broken hearted (i just really liked the images). i am doing big things in my life and i really just need to focus on the different endeavors i plan to pursue.
stay fab!

so, because of this hiatus from dating i'm a little confused about some feelings i'm going through right now. some time last year i hooked up with this guy (side note: what the hell does hook up mean? i never really heard that word until laguna beach and even then i was always confused about whether hook up meant just making out or actually sexing. however, for future knowledge, when i use the word hook up i DO NOT mean sexing...i would just come out and say it). though i am a lady i am still a child of this generation (don't judge), so the fact that i met someone yet made out with him crazy on the same day is nothing out of the ordinary. but what is out of the ordinary is that i cannot stop thinking about him! he is really a great guy, has his head right, and is actually the type of man i would want to be with! YIKES! am i crazy? it's been 6 months and i still think about him on a daily basis....well, the fact that we are facebook friends aids in my inability to get rid of him in my head.but everytime i come across his profile, i think to myself, "he would be good for me....i would be good for him." is this just some one sided thing? could he be thinking of me? is this normal?

speaking about guys...i went on a date last october with this other guy and we were kinda talking but then he goes ghost. for example, in december, before the holidays, he disappeared. i texted him once and got no reply so i figured he was done with me. which was actually okay with me...i don't expect every guy to like me. but then he resurfaces in january with a text that states, "you just forgot me?" huh? he claims that he was trying to contact me and i never replied back; and i just don't believe that...i mean, my phone acts janky at times, but if you've been trying to get at me i would have received at least one of your messages. so after that he went ghost again! then yesterday he sends me another text message stating, "damn you forgot me." ugh!!!! i didn't reply back.
so that leaves me single BUT very happy! despite the images of the broken hearts i am far from broken hearted (i just really liked the images). i am doing big things in my life and i really just need to focus on the different endeavors i plan to pursue.
stay fab!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
spring is almost here
last week in most parts of the southeast the weather called for a heavy coat and boots, but this week the beginning of spring is being ushered in. by the time the season changes i am beyond ready to let go of winter. though winter is my favorite season, after a few weeks i am ready to shed the coat! well, this spring i am even more excited about the season change for the simple fact that i want to be a lady this upcoming season. i want to wear poufy belted floral skirts and bright colors. i am ready to let go of my winter grays, browns, and blacks! i was just on the lucky magazine website and saw an example of the look i am going for this spring.

isn't she gorgeous?!
next weekend, i am taking my usual new season shopping trip to h&m and i will most definitely be on the lookout for cute, feminine patterned dresses and skirts!
stay fab!

isn't she gorgeous?!
next weekend, i am taking my usual new season shopping trip to h&m and i will most definitely be on the lookout for cute, feminine patterned dresses and skirts!
stay fab!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
micro management
so i came into work today prepared to actually do work, but everyone seems to be taking over...so f*** it...

to clarify, i work in a micro managed office. directors and supervisors neglect their own jobs and get in my kool aid. for example, let's say my student emails my director. rather than forward the email to me, director will respond to the email, cc me on the email, then email me stating that she responded to the email. wtf? even fellow admissions counselors are getting in on the fun. in an email, which included the other counselors, director asked me to be the point person for an assignment. but another counselor took it upon herself to do the task without even letting me know...so whatev....if they wanna do extra shit then let them do extra shit...their salary ain't gonna be increased (please excuse my profane language...i try not to cuss, but this shit is going to another level).
so anyway, work is the pits so in situations like this i like to work on self-improvement; my own personal betterment! my sister teases me and says that my blog should now be a hair and fitness blog because that's all i talk about!
remember when i was through with the salons? well, i'm still through and have been managing my hair myself and let me say...it ain't bad. i do my own relaxers, washes, everything...it's all me!

and i have noticed a difference! though gaining length wasn't my initial goal, i have noticed some length as well as stronger hair. my secret is deep conditioner. i do it every time i wash...it's time consuming but it's worth it...my hair is no longer see through!
as far as fitness goes...i have been slacking lately. because of work and writing essays and other stuff i haven't had much time for the gym, but this month i'm focused to get back on track!

i am planning several summer getaways so that means getting the body right! so i'm back to lunchtime AND after work sweat sessions. kinda extreme, i know.
another thing that keeps my spirits up when work is KILLING me is music. let me tell you, the song "Blame it" by Jamie Foxx and T-Pain is my morning drive wake up song.

i can't be unhappy when this song comes even if i tried....sometimes i just have to close my office door and booty pop for a mood boost.so take a listen and let me know what you think!
Blame It (Remix) - Jamie Foxx feat Yung Joc & T-Pain
stay fab!

to clarify, i work in a micro managed office. directors and supervisors neglect their own jobs and get in my kool aid. for example, let's say my student emails my director. rather than forward the email to me, director will respond to the email, cc me on the email, then email me stating that she responded to the email. wtf? even fellow admissions counselors are getting in on the fun. in an email, which included the other counselors, director asked me to be the point person for an assignment. but another counselor took it upon herself to do the task without even letting me know...so whatev....if they wanna do extra shit then let them do extra shit...their salary ain't gonna be increased (please excuse my profane language...i try not to cuss, but this shit is going to another level).
so anyway, work is the pits so in situations like this i like to work on self-improvement; my own personal betterment! my sister teases me and says that my blog should now be a hair and fitness blog because that's all i talk about!
remember when i was through with the salons? well, i'm still through and have been managing my hair myself and let me say...it ain't bad. i do my own relaxers, washes, everything...it's all me!

and i have noticed a difference! though gaining length wasn't my initial goal, i have noticed some length as well as stronger hair. my secret is deep conditioner. i do it every time i wash...it's time consuming but it's worth it...my hair is no longer see through!
as far as fitness goes...i have been slacking lately. because of work and writing essays and other stuff i haven't had much time for the gym, but this month i'm focused to get back on track!

i am planning several summer getaways so that means getting the body right! so i'm back to lunchtime AND after work sweat sessions. kinda extreme, i know.
another thing that keeps my spirits up when work is KILLING me is music. let me tell you, the song "Blame it" by Jamie Foxx and T-Pain is my morning drive wake up song.

i can't be unhappy when this song comes even if i tried....sometimes i just have to close my office door and booty pop for a mood boost.so take a listen and let me know what you think!
Blame It (Remix) - Jamie Foxx feat Yung Joc & T-Pain
stay fab!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
another thing marked off my to-do list...
i just mailed out my final grad school application.... this calls for a celebration!

it feels so good to be done with all of that! now begins the tough part...waiting. let's make an agreement, if i don't get into any schools...you won't hear about. i won't mention it and no one else will mention it. we will just know that i didn't get in anywhere. but if i get in...of course you i will release the information. got it?
omg my recruitment event that i worked so hard to plan was kind of a disaster. the actual event rocked and was really solid; however, the day before it snowed which really affected the turn out. so out of maybe 30 RSVP's only 8 showed up. i have a feeling that despite the weather there would have been a low turn out, but i can't do anything about it.but the fact that the event is over calls for a celebration!

during my lunch break i went to the gap and bought this awesome skirt for $10.97 and guess what....it was a size 10...i don't ever fit into a size 10 so yay me....i'm not going to claim size 10 just yet, but knowing that it's actually possible makes me so happy. this calls for another celebration!

you know, i'm really starting to like gap. depending on the season, they are pretty hit or miss with me, but my last two shopping experiences with the gap have resulted in great additions to my wardrobe. last week i bought one of the red shirts where the proceeds go to AIDS research and a pair on gray straight leg jeans (I don't ever wear straight leg jeans either).....yay gap....this calls for a celebration!
just kidding!
stay fab!

it feels so good to be done with all of that! now begins the tough part...waiting. let's make an agreement, if i don't get into any schools...you won't hear about. i won't mention it and no one else will mention it. we will just know that i didn't get in anywhere. but if i get in...of course you i will release the information. got it?
omg my recruitment event that i worked so hard to plan was kind of a disaster. the actual event rocked and was really solid; however, the day before it snowed which really affected the turn out. so out of maybe 30 RSVP's only 8 showed up. i have a feeling that despite the weather there would have been a low turn out, but i can't do anything about it.but the fact that the event is over calls for a celebration!

during my lunch break i went to the gap and bought this awesome skirt for $10.97 and guess what....it was a size 10...i don't ever fit into a size 10 so yay me....i'm not going to claim size 10 just yet, but knowing that it's actually possible makes me so happy. this calls for another celebration!

you know, i'm really starting to like gap. depending on the season, they are pretty hit or miss with me, but my last two shopping experiences with the gap have resulted in great additions to my wardrobe. last week i bought one of the red shirts where the proceeds go to AIDS research and a pair on gray straight leg jeans (I don't ever wear straight leg jeans either).....yay gap....this calls for a celebration!
just kidding!
stay fab!
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