to clarify, i work in a micro managed office. directors and supervisors neglect their own jobs and get in my kool aid. for example, let's say my student emails my director. rather than forward the email to me, director will respond to the email, cc me on the email, then email me stating that she responded to the email. wtf? even fellow admissions counselors are getting in on the fun. in an email, which included the other counselors, director asked me to be the point person for an assignment. but another counselor took it upon herself to do the task without even letting me know...so whatev....if they wanna do extra shit then let them do extra shit...their salary ain't gonna be increased (please excuse my profane language...i try not to cuss, but this shit is going to another level).
so anyway, work is the pits so in situations like this i like to work on self-improvement; my own personal betterment! my sister teases me and says that my blog should now be a hair and fitness blog because that's all i talk about!
remember when i was through with the salons? well, i'm still through and have been managing my hair myself and let me say...it ain't bad. i do my own relaxers, washes, everything...it's all me!

and i have noticed a difference! though gaining length wasn't my initial goal, i have noticed some length as well as stronger hair. my secret is deep conditioner. i do it every time i wash...it's time consuming but it's worth it...my hair is no longer see through!
as far as fitness goes...i have been slacking lately. because of work and writing essays and other stuff i haven't had much time for the gym, but this month i'm focused to get back on track!

i am planning several summer getaways so that means getting the body right! so i'm back to lunchtime AND after work sweat sessions. kinda extreme, i know.
another thing that keeps my spirits up when work is KILLING me is music. let me tell you, the song "Blame it" by Jamie Foxx and T-Pain is my morning drive wake up song.

i can't be unhappy when this song comes even if i tried....sometimes i just have to close my office door and booty pop for a mood boost.so take a listen and let me know what you think!
Blame It (Remix) - Jamie Foxx feat Yung Joc & T-Pain
stay fab!
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