so, because of this hiatus from dating i'm a little confused about some feelings i'm going through right now. some time last year i hooked up with this guy (side note: what the hell does hook up mean? i never really heard that word until laguna beach and even then i was always confused about whether hook up meant just making out or actually sexing. however, for future knowledge, when i use the word hook up i DO NOT mean sexing...i would just come out and say it). though i am a lady i am still a child of this generation (don't judge), so the fact that i met someone yet made out with him crazy on the same day is nothing out of the ordinary. but what is out of the ordinary is that i cannot stop thinking about him! he is really a great guy, has his head right, and is actually the type of man i would want to be with! YIKES! am i crazy? it's been 6 months and i still think about him on a daily basis....well, the fact that we are facebook friends aids in my inability to get rid of him in my head.but everytime i come across his profile, i think to myself, "he would be good for me....i would be good for him." is this just some one sided thing? could he be thinking of me? is this normal?

speaking about guys...i went on a date last october with this other guy and we were kinda talking but then he goes ghost. for example, in december, before the holidays, he disappeared. i texted him once and got no reply so i figured he was done with me. which was actually okay with me...i don't expect every guy to like me. but then he resurfaces in january with a text that states, "you just forgot me?" huh? he claims that he was trying to contact me and i never replied back; and i just don't believe that...i mean, my phone acts janky at times, but if you've been trying to get at me i would have received at least one of your messages. so after that he went ghost again! then yesterday he sends me another text message stating, "damn you forgot me." ugh!!!! i didn't reply back.
so that leaves me single BUT very happy! despite the images of the broken hearts i am far from broken hearted (i just really liked the images). i am doing big things in my life and i really just need to focus on the different endeavors i plan to pursue.
stay fab!
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