Monday, July 20, 2009

'cause we're best friends, right?

since the year started i have downsized the number of people i consider my friends. i'm relentless.
i've been cutting folks left and right for minor offenses. if you make me feel bad, you're gone; if your lifestyle differs from mine, you're outta here; if you're messy, buh-bye; if you don't listen, you're dunzo.

now i don't have anyone to hang out with. no one to call.

so i'm wondering if i should sacrifice my sanity and nerves just to have someone to talk to?

perhaps,find replacements?

how do you even go about getting new friends at this age? my co-workers are not an option. church maybe? the salespeople at my fave stores? my parents? dunno.

perhaps i can use this time to focus on myse....naw, that sounds lame.

here's a song by amy winehouse called "best friends"...apparently she's had the same problem with her best friends.

Best Friend - Amy Winehouse

1 comment:

Kourt said...

I really understand what you mean. since my two good friends moved, I've tried hanging out with people I really didn't want to hang out with, mainly because I didn't want to be by myself. But I was felt worst hanging out with them then by myself. I think I'll try joining common interest groups, when I figure out where I'm going to the way, I love the song, I just added it to my mp3 player.