So, work has been BANANAS! Director in general is just a stressor in and of herself. But in addition to all this, I got people telling stories on me. Here's the deal. There is a softball coach at the college who is always super excited and always coming to the admission office with new recruits. So, awhile ago he came to me and asked me to call a student who was interested for the upcoming semester. Keep in mind that it's already mid July and kinda late to just up and apply for college. I guess a bell went off in her head when she realized that she didn't have any definite plans for the next few years. Anyway, he asked me to call her. But when he asked me it was about 9am. But for some reason, it struck me that maybe the prospective student wouldn't be awake at 9am. So, I decided to wait until a reasonable hour to call her...which I did get to later in the day. Anyway, once I call we get her applied and all that jazz. A week later (she is accepted by this time) she sets up a campus visit, but the day that she is set to arrive her mother cancels saying that she has decided on a school closer to home (she lives in Alabama). So I was thinking, "whatev." I mean, if I decided at the last minute to think about college I would probably just choose what's most available to me too. But once Coach found out he immediately thought it was my fault. Telling both VP and Director that I messed this up....not realizing that this student and her mom are dummy's who lack poor planning skills.
But there is a program we use which saved my butt! We have to enter in all the times we have contact with a student so fortunately I am consist about entering that data, because without it VP and Director would be placing the blame on me!
But as usual I won't get frazzled over it. I'm just too fab to be having bags under my eyes and stress lines on my face!
Whenever I feel frustrated like this at work I save money. I know, what you're thought I would say that I shop. But no, I save money so that all this work and chaos won't go in vain. Ultimately, I would rather see my hard work as numbers in my savings account than as shoes in my closet.
Glinda Bridgeforth's "Girl, Get Your Money Straight" is my go to book for basic money management and budgeting skills. Every couple of months I must refer back to Glinda's around the way tips to get things back in prospective. Although I love to shop and think it's important to present a great first, second, third, fourth, and fifth impression, having a financial stable future is also just as imporant.

One thing I admire about the book is that it breaks down why you overspend. For example, the first chapter asks you to write a letter to money (yes, the green stuff), explaining the current relationship you have with money. For instance, my issues with money are that I grew up in a household where money was tight and we simply didn't have extra money. So now that I'm older I use money to buy what I want despite the price (I know, we will discuss these deep issues in a later post).
Next up, is investing and making my money grow!
Have a fab Monday!
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