1. My boss is an idiot. Director has really begun to irritate me now.....it's on snitches! All of the Admission Counselors have weekly meetings with her to discuss what's going on (i.e. this program thingy I have going on in October). So we discussed and I was getting ready to leave her office....then she loses her mind! She tells me that she thinks the staff as a whole dresses "ragged." At first, I was thinking, "whatev...I know I'm cute." Then she fixed her mouth and said that I was looking "ragged." She even decided to use an outfit that I was wearing as an example. This particular outfit consists of gray dress Capri's, a coral top, and black pumps. Then to make it worse, she told me that my shoes "saved the outfit".....as if she was a stylist. I could not take a picture of myself wearing the outfit (it's in the wash) but here is what I basically wore.

This is the exact top!

Now, I know what some of you all are thinking....."yeah, that's a ragged outfit." But no no keep in mind that it's over 100 degrees everyday in Georgia and I work at a college where the students brag about wearing pajamas to class. Also, keep in mind that Director can't dress! That's the gotcha!
So I was a little depressed about this. Whenever someone makes comment about something you pride yourself in, it's gonna sting a little bit.
2. So, I worked through the whole "ragged" outfit comment. I had a dentist appointment the next day. I haven't been in awhile.....okay 5 years. Everything was going well, when the dentist asked, "Do you have kids?" I said no.Then she says, "I think you should consider braces and straighten that out." Then she just walks out! Everyone thinks my grill is beautifully white and straight (I deceptively smile a certain way to hide the crooked ones :)

After her comment, my mind was just racing with thoughts: "I'm too old for braces." "How am I gonna get play with braces?" "Who is gonna want to kiss me with braces?" Then I snapped out of it and realized that without the braces I don't get play or kisses so not much would actually change :)
So, I'm gonna get them. My teeth have always bothered me, so I might as well get them straight now, while I'm (kinda)young and can pull the wire look off. Also, Gwen Stefani, Tom Cruise, and dude from Boys to Men all had braces in their adult lives....this will be a piece of cake for me!
O, and Invisalign in not an option for me :(
3. Work is Bananas! Our travel season is coming up and I'm stressed!On top of planning my travel arrangements and dealing with Director, I have to perform my other duties, go to ridiculous meetings, and deal with Director. For the next 2 months and 1 week I will be in and out of the office.....living out of a suitcase....driving hours to different cities....all the while planning this big event for October. WOW!It didn't just hit me until now that I'm gonna be hella busy!
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