Also, we have a new girl coming in on Monday! I'm excited....this will give Director a chance to bother her, rather than coming to my office.
This week has also been so busy with beauty, fashion, and entertainment news.....Ughhhh! Where do I begin??
* My Beth Bender Eye Stencil came in yesterday. I was too much so that I closed my office door and started playing with it! At 3pm I had this cat eye going on! I'm crazy!
* The Fashionista Diaries premiered last night. I'm kinda torn though. I love a good reality show and the fact that it's mixed with my other love of fashion and beauty is a plus. But I don't feel as if it was real enough. Example, Nicole from Queens, who has her Masters in Psychology has no tangible experience in fashion or public relations (she actually said her favorite designer is Juicy Couture...I'm from the boonies in GA and I know not to say that!), but she got a job as an assistant in PR? I don't know.

My favorite is Janjay. She is calm, but confident and loves color and patterns. She is the lone sista on the show, but she holds her own.

Nonetheless,I will keep watching because overall it's good entertainment!
*A friend of mine at my Alma Mater gave me the link to the website to the GA state salary and travel information, which tells you everyone's salary (in goverment and state positions). And I found some interesting news. A professor of mine (who gave me a D....I deserved it though, I failed all the quizzes) makes $92,000?! An entry-level friend of mine makes $37,000 (this made me even more upset when I thought about how cheap she is). This information really made me think. I know that I am underpaid (hence the blog), but dayum....I am being used!
*Allure's Free Stuff Month began yesterday! I was signing up for free stuff all day. I even set reminders on my computer so I wouldn't miss anything! Visit for more information!

I am so excited, this weekend my little sister is coming to visit me. So I will actually have a weekend....rather than doing what I normally do....nothing. But this weekend's post will be fab (per the usual). I'm going to add some new things.
Have a fab Thursday!
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